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It's the Combined July and August Post! Yay!

Writer's picture: Soren HaidriSoren Haidri

Hello, one and all! I apologize for the super late blog post! This super summer has been super hot with 95 Fahrenheit (35 Celsius) temperatures (plus humidity), and super busy with ministry, travel, and DTS planning! With all of the fun and sad updates, I apologize ahead of time for the long post. So let's get into the details!

We have three more students for our DTS, making a total of nine students! We couldn't be more excited to have a full school of young people eager to learn how to deepen their relationship with the Lord and share His gift of salvation to others! With all the craziness and chaos of this age, it's comforting and hopeful to see a new generation of believers rising up to answer the call to ministry. Please pray for them as they fundraise and work for their tuition, as well as tell their families, friends, and churches about YWAM Sendai! Thank you.

The men of our team got to visit a city in the similarly named prefecture in the far north: Akita! Some of Virmz's friends from South Africa, Andre and his son Luke, joined us on our little venture. Just when I thought I had seen enough dense forests and mountains in Sendai, off we go and witness this lovely place. Just look as this beautiful caldera lake:

But we weren't just here to enjoy the gorgeous view: Akita prefecture is one of the least reached areas in Japan, which is truly saying something. Sadly, Akita is infamous for high rates of isolation, suicides, and hikikomori: people who hide away in their homes from all of society. However, a YWAM team from Singapore felt called to start a base in Akita, so we drove up to meet them there while they were on a vision trip. We pray that God will guide them as they work to establish a base!

On our travels, we actually got to visit a Christian Hikikomori support center, where anyone can join and freely speak their mind without fear of judgement or ridicule, a rare opportunity for many in Japan.

Heartbreakingly, we had come at a time of grief for the center: one of their members had tragically taken their own life. We were invited to sit in at this person's memorial service. Seeing the broken hearts around me gave me a powerful reminder that our lives are not our own, but the Lord's. If you yourself struggle with thoughts of suicide, please do not keep it all to yourself. Find someone. Anyone you can trust. Tell them what you are going through. Thank you.

Overall, it was a true privilege to listen and talk to these people who have felt lost in society, but have found a place where they can be in community with. We pray the Lord will give us our own building to host such groups too, giving a true hope to the hopeless, and friendship to the friendless. Please pray for the Lord to give us opportunity to do this. Amen.

Here are some more pics of our trip, including visiting a local church. They fed us well!

Gary, Naoko, and their two kids: Rei and Kai, are currently in the UK! There, they are visiting supporting churches, family and friends, as they tell everyone about the needs of Sendai and Japan. Please pray for a safe and productive trip as they meet old friends and make new ones. Especially for their two wild and wonderful boys, considering they have many allergies. We members of YWAM Sendai look forward to welcoming them back to our cozy little base on August 25th!

Tanabata came and went! I think it had the biggest turnout I've ever seen in my four years in Sendai! Just look at the crowd in the pics! It was a fun evening to hang out with the team and eat tasty festival food. I had dumplings and yakitori (grilled chicken on a stick).

I have a personal ministry I am working on! It's just a fledgling idea for now, but it has to do with a major passion of mine! Once I have a concert foundation for it, I shall share it with you all very soon! I will include this video below as a hint of what my idea is:

On a very sad note, one of the men who came with me to the homeless ministry in Nagoya, Chikara-san, has gone to be with the Lord last week. Janet and I thankfully got to meet him one last time in his home to pray over him and say goodbye. I told him it was a true honor to travel with him all the way to Nagoya and serve the Lord together. Though it's sorrowful to see him go, I know that one day I shall see him again in a new heaven and a new Earth. It is the wonderful hope the Lord has given to all those who believe in Jesus. A great reunion. Rest in peace, Chikara-san.

Chikara-san is the person in front of Janet, with the baseball hat.

One last thing: thank you all so much for your prayers and support over the last four years of me being here in Japan. It's filled my heart with great joy in knowing I have so many wonderful friends, family, and fellow believers helping my mission in sharing the Gospel with the Japanese people. As much as I am thankful for everything provided to me, I am faced with more expenses this year, with a higher rent, bills, and taxes.

If you haven't yet already, please prayerfully consider making a donation by clicking the yellow button at the top of the page to support my mission here. But much more important than money, please pray for me, my team, and all the missionaries in Sendai, that we can truly reach the Japanese's hearts and show them the goodness and joy of the Lord. Thank you all, and have a most wonderful summer!

Psalm 73:26

"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

PS: My girlfriend, Misako, is absolutely wonderful and sweet! Here's the two of us with her nephew, Rei:

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