Happy Easter, my dear wonderful friends, family, and supporters! Today is the day that Jesus rose from the dead, conquering that which could not be conquered by any mortal, and today lives as savior and king! Though we may be forced indoors by covid 19, our hearts are still joyful and glad from the new life brought to us by the power of Jesus Christ. Salvation is here for everyone, no matter where they're from, or what they've done, with the forgiveness of sins and transgressions. For that, we celebrate this day! Amen!
Speaking of new life, with the well-awaited arrival of spring, the sakura, or cherry blossoms, have finally bloomed here in Sendai! Although we've stayed away from the city, due to the rise of infections, our team was able to have a nice picnic out in a nearby park! Here we all are, celebrating Janet's birthday with bento lunches, and a custard cake:
We are so blessed to have a location that's still in a state of peace, compared to so many other places. We don't know how long this tranquility will last, but we thank God every day for what we have, and continue to pray for our little town everyday.
Since we're not doing our usual Kokubuncho ministry in the city on Thursdays, we've replaced that time by praying for Ayashi, covering it in God's mercy and grace. Funny enough, when I first arrived in this little hamlet of a town, everything seemed so different. Not in a bad way, but just the way people acted and talked, all the new language, new foods, and just overall the way things function around here was quite different to me. However, after living here for over a year, there are still some things that are strange to me, such as corn on pizza, but overall: this is my home now. I'm thankful everyday for being able to live and work in a wonderful place such as this. It may be too quiet at times, and not the most exciting, but hey. It's home. And that's a wonderful privilege. Here we all are, praying over Ayashi from a bridge up on a hill:
On a side note: I'm not sure if anyone remembers this, but last year me and some of the team were praying about going to Aokigahara forest. But, unsurprisingly and unfortunately, with this virus on the warpath, the government has strongly advised to not travel anywhere, and some of the more severe prefectures in Japan have been locked down as of now. So sadly, it looks like the trip won't be happening this time, but please do keep praying for the hikikomori and those suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts here in Japan. We as a team are coming up with new ideas in how to reach out to them through online media, which we'll disclose once we're ready. Please pray for creativity to finding and helping the lost through art and friendships. Amen.
One final note. I promise. Ever since the beginning of YWAM Sendai, one of the biggest visions for our little base was to start a bilingual outreach school, dedicated to reaching the Japanese here in Tohoku! In YWAM, many bases around the world have a special five to six month program called a Discipleship Training School, or a DTS, which teaches the basics of Christianity, core biblical values, hearing the voice of God, evangelizing, spiritual warfare, etc. Near the end of the program, students go on an outreach trip, which usually is in another country for a few months, to practice what they've learned. It's a classic staple of YWAM, but it's also flexible enough to adapt to any bases needs and mission goals.
Our hope for this is to have a school to teach students how to share the Gospel to the Japanese people, teaching things like culture, language, proper etiquette, evangelizing techniques, art ministry etc. Then the outreach phases will be somewhere here in the Tohoku, such as Yamagata city, Fukushima, etc, considering it's one of the least reached regions in the entire country.
However: we are still in the process of praying to see if this is all God's will. Nothing is confirmed yet, and even if it was, we most likely will not start the school until next spring or summer. Our last wish is to charge into something that Jesus has not blessed or wants, so we're proceeding with care, patience, and planning. As excited as we are, what we desire is to hear what God's heart is for Sendai and Tohoku. Once again, please pray for wisdom, patience, and guidance as we seek God's vision for the future, and that we may never stray from His good narrow path.
Thank you all so much for your continued prayers and support! If there's anything I can pray for you, or if you need someone to talk to, please don't be a stranger! Have yourselves a most wonderful Easter day! He has risen indeed! Praise be to Hosanna in the highest!
Colossians 2:13-14
"When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness,which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross."