Hello, everyone! I'm sorry about the late update. I've been busy with my new online classes, plus I was sick with the cold for a week, so that was fun. Classes are going well: bringing up challenging ideas to my worldview, as well as homework and other projects to work on over the next six months.
Speaking of: one assignment was to make a presentation on the religions of your chosen people group, be it written or as a video. Taking up the opportunity to practically practice my editing skills, I made a short video about the various religions of Japan! And considering all the technical difficulties that occurred during the production, such as crashes and lost files, it was a miracle I made this beast in a week. I've edited longer videos before, but this was the most technically challenging one to date. It's still being graded, but here it is for you all to (hopefully) enjoy. Sorry about the audio issues: my microphone isn't the best.
I hope you can all make out all the information. I'm not used to doing academic presentations with my own voice in a video. If I make any more videos for my school, I'll be sure to share them with you all!
Also: I finally bought a bilingual Bible in both English and Japanese! I already had one before, but it only covered the New Testament, not the entire Word. I've been wanting a complete version for some time, and now I have one! It's wonderful, since I can look up any scripture and show it to the local Japanese with no problem! Here are a few pics of it:
Besides my school work, life is pretty chill here in Sendai. Due to COVID still being rampant, social gatherings are limited, but thankfully most churches are still open, and we as a team are still going to Kokubuncho to clean and worship publicly. We also have plans for a Christmas outreach, but it's still in the works. Please pray for more opportunities for outreach, even with the virus present.
Stay tuned: this Halloween, I would like to do a spooky special for this blog, like last year! I'm not sure if I want to make a video or tell a story, so prepare for a scare!
On a more serious note, please let me know if there's anything I can pray for you. This year has been rather scary in multiple ways, but only the Lord can give us true peace, confidence, and hope in the darkest of hours. Trust in Him who is mighty to save!
Thank you all so much for all of the prayers and support over the years, and have yourselves a most wonderful day!
2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."