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31 years of age... That's 31 times I've orbited the sun. Makes ya think.

Writer's picture: Soren HaidriSoren Haidri

Greetings, everyone! I'm sorry for the very late blog post. Considering all the hurt, injustice, and riots occurring in America at the moment, I didn't feel the time was appropriate to make an update post last week. But just know that me and my team are praying that true justice and peace will reign all over the United States of America. That a great age of healing, understanding, and love will bloom from the ashes of bloodshed, ignorance, and hatred. Thank you.

As for my time here in Japan, the team is in a new season of finding the new "normal" in a somewhat post-COVID Sendai. That's right: everything is opening back up (in Miyagi, that is). Shops, cafes, and even churches are all opening their doors to the public. However, we're all still taking the usual precautions, such as wearing masks in public, washing hands, the usual safety protocols. And: we feel the time is right to get back to street ministry in the city! This is a very new development, so we're praying to see what God would like us to focus on, so I'll be reporting our findings in due time!

Our main focus is seriously studying the language. I got an awesome new app, called WaniKani (literally translated to Alligator Crab) which goes over Kanji and vocab in an easy to learn, difficult to master way. It's kicking my butt, but man I'm learning so much! It's so refreshing to be able to read street signs full of Kanji and be like "I can read!!!". You feel like a master genius of linguistics, at least until you run into ten other words that you haven't encountered yet. That'll change yer tune! But yeah, it's what I have to do to truly connect to the Japanese people and share the Gospel in a way they can accept and receive. May God's grace be upon my ability to learn! Amen!

On a lighter note, my birthday is less than two weeks away! Yay... Wow. 31 years old. Time flies when you're having fun, eh?

On a much lighter note, I picked up a new roommate. He's a bit on the quiet side, but makes for good company. Here:

"Soon... This apartment will all be mine!!!"

I call him Kumo-kun (Cloud boy) cause of all his fluff. He's small in stature, but big in ego at times. I think I'll make him the blog's mascot. What do y'all think? I can hear some of you now: "Well, it happened. Soren has some misplaced wiring. You put a man into self-quarantine for a few months, and anything can become his best friend". Has anybody seen Castaway staring Tom Hanks? Hopefully, Kumo-kun won't go the way of "Wilson"... (Sob's uncontrollably)

But in all seriousness, thank you all so much for your continued prayers and support for my ministry here in Japan. Please let me know how I can pray for you as well. Times may be dark now, but the light of Christ shines on. Fear not, fellow pilgrim. Thank you all once again, and have a wonderful day.

Romans 5: 3-5:

"Not only so, but let us also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us."

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