Salutations, my wonderful and dear friends and family! It's been quite a scorcher these past few weeks, with temps easily going into the 90's (plus a huge helping of 95% humidity), which after months of cool and rain, is not super fun! Whew! So glad we're getting that good ol' rain back!
On the first week of August, my team and I attended the local summer celebration of Tanabata, also known as the Star Festival! Originally a mythological tale from China, it's a national celebration in honor of the tragic romance between two star deities: Orihime and Hikoboshi. Traditionally, people write down their wishes for success in school, work, and romance onto paper cranes and other paper decorations, hanging them onto bamboo sticks, which are called tanzaku. Here's some examples of Tanabata decorations:
These were hanging all over downtown! People from all over Japan come up to see the Sendai Tanabata festival, so needless to say, the city was completely packed with visitors!
In spite of all the fun games, food, samurai actors, and celebrations, a somber moment fell upon us when we encountered this particular paper streamer:

It was an ironic contrast between the bright colors and celebration in the present, on a day of true horror and devastation in the past. There are those who still believe nuclear weapons are a viable solution to conflict, and to that I say: I used to think the same way when I was a kid. I was so very wrong. So what changed me, besides growing up and maturing? Well, I challenge you to look up the human body during and after a blast, as well as the long term effects of radioactive fallout on people and the environment. It may cause you to think twice.
I may even write more about this it in a future blog post. I wish to visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki someday, because as an American missionary, I believe it's important to learn from the past, and fight for the peace of the future. I pray that the world will never again encounter such evil and horror, and that God can grant continued peace and healing upon this land. Amen.
On a lighter side, I got all the funds for the YWAM Japan conference! While it's wonderful to know I'm going, I'm still a little low on monthly funding. My current amount, of around $900 a month, is barely getting me by when you account for half of it going to rent, plus utilities, internet, phone, food, traveling, health insurance, etc. While the Lord and my wonderful and generous sponsors has been providing greatly, I ask and pray that at least $200 more monthly will be provided, which will cover all my basic needs long term. If you, or someone you know is interested in sponsoring a missionary in Japan, please considering donating a small monthly amount. Every little bit helps.
Thank you all so much, and God bless you for caring about the Japanese people. I hope you know you are making an eternal difference in people's lives. Have yourselves a wonderful day!
John 14:27
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."
John 16:33
"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulations. But take heart; I have overcome the world."