Salutations, my beloved family, friends and sponsors! So much has happened over the last month, I don't even know where to start! I'm finally in Sendai, living in my own apartment in a suburban town called Ayashi. This snowy sleepy town is a 20 minute train ride from downtown Sendai, close by to some massive mountains, and which the only hip coffee shop nearby is the local McDonalds. Yes. A McCafe. I'm truly far far away from the coffee wonderland that is Portland.
Getting said apartment wasn't too hard to find, in that the apartment agent said it was the only one available for a non-Japanese speaking foreigner to rent. Makes things easy, all things considering. The apartment itself is small, but comfortable and clean. Technically, it's a 2B, but can be easily converted into a living or guest room. Super sweet. Not to mention far more affordable than anything Portland or even all of Oregon had to offer. However, there was a slight catch: Japanese apartments come with a room, shower, toilet, sometimes a sinks and air conditioning. They do not guarantee the following: washing machine, fridge, stove, oven, or lights. Yeaaaah... Thankfully, my apartment did include the lights and a stove, thanks to my wonderful and generous landlord, so I bought the rest second hand. On top of a massive IKEA shopping day, I thank the Lord that my money has held out. Still, spent a bit more than I was expecting, but these things happen.
A big blessing in having this new apartment is the fact that my neighboring apartment building house the other four members of my team: Tom and Rosa (married), and Gary and Naoko (also married). Tom and Rosa have been most generous in letting me stay in their apartment until I was able to get my own, not to mention all the times they've had me over for Mexican feasts! Tom is an animator, and Rosa is a writer, like myself, which will undoubtedly lead us to collaborate on future creative projects. I've also been attending the various local churches with them around town, and we hope to get more involved with their various ministries, like prayer walks and English teaching.
Gary and Naoko were the first ones to arrive in Sendai, along with their two year old son, Kai, thus pioneering YWAM Sendai for the rest of us. Gary is quiet, but quite technical and talented with computer stuff. He even designed our team's website. His passion is to unite all of Sendai's churches to work together to further the Gospel throughout the city. Naoko is also quiet, but very nice and patient in processing the various paperwork one goes through when moving to Japan. She's been unbelievably helpful in translating and help setting up my residency, bank account, utilities, apartment, etc. Living here would've been impossible with her massive help.
There you have it! Finally here and pretty much settled! Still much to do and much to learn, but just to be here with a wonderful team in a wonderful country fills my heart with much joy. I pray that God will open more doors for ministry and evangelism as we establish relationships and community in this little town. Thank you all so much for your continued support and prayers! Love you all and have a wonderful day!