Hello, everybody! It's been a crazy busy September! So happy that the weather is turning pleasantly cool as we enter into Fall. Humidity is so not welcome in this household! The trees haven't changed color yet, but give it time and I'll share a true Japanese Autumn with ya'll! I hope you all have some fun plans for this season, considering it's one of my favorites. Why are the transitioning seasons so nice, yet way too quick? Spring and Fall are too good to last!
A few weeks ago, from the 10th to the 13th, my team and I went to a YWAM Japan conference at a resort called Fuji Hakone Land, about an hour away from Mt. Fuji! Here are some pics from the convention. See if you can spot my big head in the crowds:
There, YWAMer's from all over Japan gathered to meet each other, have fellowship, and pray for each other's ministries and daily life events. The guest speaker spoke a good deal about remaining in unity by having open communication with one another, not just focused on our own respective cities and teammates. Only through unity through the Holy Spirit can we be the most effective in presenting the Gospel to the Japanese people.
Therefore, to kickstart this unity, we all picked prayer partners from a different base! My prayer partner is a fellow from the new YWAM Kobe base, so it's wonderful to have fellowship with fellow missionaries, besides my team. I pray our new friendship, and the new friendships made by everyone else will grow and deepen over time!
All the new teams and bases: Kobe, Takatsuki, and (of course) Sendai were formally introduced to the rest of the YWAM Japan community at the conference. And by "introduction", I mean we made our own intro videos! I used to dabble in video editing back in the day, so I cooked up this little feature for all to be entertained by. All the animations were done by my fellow team member Tom. Enjoy!
Hopefully, that didn't frighten you all off. My sense of humor tends to be slightly odd. I certainly hope to make more videos for our base in the coming future, both of the funny and serious variety. Kinda rusty with editing, but most of it came back to me.
Big announcement: some of the YWAM Japan team has cooked up a promotion video for encouraging people from around the world to check out ministry and missionary opportunities in Japan. It's called the Kairos Project, which goes to different countries, takes video and photography of the people and places, as well as record testimonies from the locals and missionaries working there. All to promote more people to join! Please take a look at their video below, as well as the website. If you know someone interested in Japan, please share this video and website.
Thank you all so much for your continued support and prayers! God bless you all!